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We are Thriving Tribes

Our mission: providing you with innovative HR/People solutions tailored to your company DNA and growth ambitions.

Together on your journey to efficiently growing your business and team!

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Hello, startups!

We are crafting scalable HR/People experiences around team performance, culture, employee experience & talent acquisition so you are always ready for the next step.

Our flexible HR approach built from a combined 20 years of hands-on experience in various industries and EMEA markets, is one of our key strength to confidently address your needs.

We've seen companies and teams growing fast, performing, sometimes failing, almost always learning; and we have plenty of advice, food for thoughts, great practices and tools to share with you.

Image by Brooke Cagle

"Do I need this now?" - we hear you ask

HR is not something you can "look into at some point". Even before hiring your first employee, you are already making People decisions.

From how you communicate internally, how you share knowledge, articulate your vision, plan and execute, to how you interact with potential candidates, you are constantly building the Employee Experience and Culture of your Company.

We are here to help.

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Yssine, our co-founder, on creating and nurturing a great company culture

We have been invited by our friends at Staff Treats to their YouTube show (#TheWorkLifeShow) to share our insights on how to create and nurture a great company culture in a startup or small business.

Sharing a few timestamps so you can jump straight to the topics that are of interest to you:

01:24 - What is company culture and why is it important?

02:35 - How to remedy a toxic or negative company culture?

04:48 - Why culture fit is not "getting along" with people.

07:53 - Examples of startups that are deliberate about culture.

10:25 - Yssine's secret weapon for building a great culture.

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The kind of things we can help you with...


HR Quick Start

There are a few basics you need to get right: a couple of policies, some robust processes for the things that matter, and the compliance essentials.

However, if you get all your templates from Google, chances are they will be outdated, unpractical, clashing with your culture ...and just not adapted to a modern startup. Let us take care of this for you.

We act as your remote Head of People/HR Manager and look after everything HR for you. Think onboarding your new team members, answering your employees' questions, helping you forecast your people budget, or pick a payroll provider.

Take 3 minutes to fill this form, and we'll get back to you with our assessment of your needs and a proposal.

Company Culture

Culture is what drives your teams and how it feels to work in your company - we could call it your company personality.

Culture doesn't happen, it is not what you put on the walls or decide for it to be.  It is alive, it evolves, it is the sum of all the decisions you take every day and all the behaviours you encourage, reward or tolerate.

It transpires in all the habits, values and expectations that are shared amongst your teams and that make people engage, belong and connect with your company. 

We help you identify what your current culture is like, we listen to what you would like to promote or nurture, and we build with you a Culture Roadmap to fulfil your vision.


Employee Experience

Employee Experience is all the interactions your employees have with your company, and how aligned with your company culture they are.

As an employee, the way we are hired, onboarded, being recognised, developing our skills, receiving feedback, collaborating or leaving are all important parts of this experience.

Each one of these touchpoints can make or break the experience. To put it in a simple way, they need to be congruent, make sense, be easy to navigate and feel fair.

We help you craft your Employee Experience strategy for a well-thought-out employee lifecycle and a comprehensive Employee Value Proposition (EVP)

Emotional Intelligence Assessment

Emotional Intelligence is a set of emotional and social skills influencing the way we express ourselves, cope with challenges, develop relationships, and use emotional information in an effective and meaningful way. 

We use the Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i 2.0®) which is a scientifically validated model, based on over 20 years of international research and backed by rigorous reliability and validity studies. It is broken down into 15 subscales across the 5 aspects of emotional and social functioning.

Guided by our accredited EQ-i 2.0® practitioner, develop your self-awareness and discover how your emotions and actions drive others' perceptions and impact your leadership.

More about Emotional Intelligence Assessment & Coaching.

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About us


Yssine Matola


Yssine is a creative and data-driven problem solver known for spreading optimism and motivating people. For 10 years, she has been running engaging HR projects as well as looking after day-to-day European HR operations for innovative Tech, Cybersecurity, FinTech and Aerospace startups and corporates.


Aurélie Cyrille


Resourceful HR Consultant with 10 years’ experience in fast-paced global companies as well as startups, Aurélie's key skills are EMEA employment law and transition management. 
She has worked in various sectors such as Tech, Digital, Aerospace, Pharmaceutical and Professional Services.

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We speak English & nous parlons français.

+44(0)7 749 772 993

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Made with love in London, United Kingdom.

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